Monday, February 1, 2010

A Star is Born :)

Last Saturday Ash had her first theatrical performance with FST. She was awesome and we were so proud and happy for her! .. nailed her lines beautifully.
The children performed a variety of short clips they've been working on to enhance stage presence and expression of different emotions. Ashlynn's characters were a tomboy and bully. Next session they'll be working more on scripts and dialogue. Once Brad and I figure out how to get the video of the performance on our computer, we'll get it up here for you to see.

This was taken outside the theater after the show.. Janelle came and brought Ash the most beautiful bouquet of pink tulips. On the ride home Ash looked at her flowers and said, "Tulips are now my favorite flower". :)

Ashlynn with her instructor, Christianne. (extremely nice lady)

playing on stage after the performance..

Ash gave Raeg, Emily, and Brianna a tour back stage. Brianna was so cute; she said, "wow, I feel so V.I.Pish". ha. It was encouraging for Ash to look out and see the support of Janelle and her friend Bri. At one point she caught a glimpse of Brianna giving her a big thumbs up which helped calm her nerves a little.

Great Job Ash!