Sunday, February 28, 2010

Piano Festival

Raegan performed at her first music festival yesterday and she was outstanding! She played her two pieces beautifully. The above is a picture I secretly snapped shortly before she performed. There was a sign outside the door stating absolutely no picture taking or video taping permitted inside, so I had to be sneaky with my phone. It was different than anything we'd ever experienced before. The room was very quiet and up front sat three judges at a long white table placed just to the right of the stage. The atmosphere was a little nerve wracking to say the least. Raeg was nervous and I was nervous for her. Unfortunately when I get nervous in quiet situations, I tend to want to break the silence with some silly comment... which usually leads to unwanted giggling.

Well, Raeg said something about the judges and then in my desire to calm her nerves replied something about her not having to worry because they probably have hearing aids anyway, and then it was all over. We start laughing, but trying to do it silently.. (and you know trying NOT to laugh, almost always makes you laugh even more) Tears are now flowing from my face which makes Raeg laugh even more. (just when you think you've matured. ha) I had flashbacks of me at college chapel in a dead silent sanctuary up front at the communion table with my girlfriend. I can't remember what struck our funny bone, but it was the most inappropriate time to be hit with the giggles. Anyway... Fortunately for Raegan I pulled it together by biting my bottom lip and thinking horrid thoughts of Raeg getting disqualified due to her disruptive mother.

Below is our bootleg video of one of her songs. Brad takes credit for this one. ha.. Just as I was adjusting to the notion of following the rules and not video taping, he comes up with this brilliant idea to use our small phones to tape Raeg's performance. He then set my phone to silent preventing the buttons I push from drawing attention. (so we thought) Raeg's number was called (134). The plan was to hold my phone inconspicuously up to my belly, just below my chest where no one could see. Seemed like a fail proof plan, until my worst nightmare came true. I pushed the button to start the secret taping and as I do, all we hear is a loud, "bee beep choo". (That's the best way I can describe the sound my phone made) It may as well been a bomb in a room so silent you could hear a pin drop. However, I'm not sure what was louder, my phone beeping, or the sound of the wind as the heads in front of us whipped around in unison to see who the violator was. Seconds stretched into eternity as I felt the heat rush to my head. I quickly threw my phone onto the seat next to my leg and raised both hands to tuck my hair behind my ears as if to say, "it wasn't me" by showing I had nothing in my hands. (Like a child who'd just been caught in the cookie jar) Brad of course shows his support by pretending he doesn't know me and looking at me in the same way the others were. I felt horrible and was more than thankful to later find out Raeg was so focused on her performance that she didn't even hear the commotion we had made with my phone. The first part of the video is black (due to it being on the seat next to my leg) but you can still hear her play.

Give us any excuse to celebrate with ice cream and we're on it. We ended the evening at DQ.