Sunday, February 28, 2010

Piano Festival

Raegan performed at her first music festival yesterday and she was outstanding! She played her two pieces beautifully. The above is a picture I secretly snapped shortly before she performed. There was a sign outside the door stating absolutely no picture taking or video taping permitted inside, so I had to be sneaky with my phone. It was different than anything we'd ever experienced before. The room was very quiet and up front sat three judges at a long white table placed just to the right of the stage. The atmosphere was a little nerve wracking to say the least. Raeg was nervous and I was nervous for her. Unfortunately when I get nervous in quiet situations, I tend to want to break the silence with some silly comment... which usually leads to unwanted giggling.

Well, Raeg said something about the judges and then in my desire to calm her nerves replied something about her not having to worry because they probably have hearing aids anyway, and then it was all over. We start laughing, but trying to do it silently.. (and you know trying NOT to laugh, almost always makes you laugh even more) Tears are now flowing from my face which makes Raeg laugh even more. (just when you think you've matured. ha) I had flashbacks of me at college chapel in a dead silent sanctuary up front at the communion table with my girlfriend. I can't remember what struck our funny bone, but it was the most inappropriate time to be hit with the giggles. Anyway... Fortunately for Raegan I pulled it together by biting my bottom lip and thinking horrid thoughts of Raeg getting disqualified due to her disruptive mother.

Below is our bootleg video of one of her songs. Brad takes credit for this one. ha.. Just as I was adjusting to the notion of following the rules and not video taping, he comes up with this brilliant idea to use our small phones to tape Raeg's performance. He then set my phone to silent preventing the buttons I push from drawing attention. (so we thought) Raeg's number was called (134). The plan was to hold my phone inconspicuously up to my belly, just below my chest where no one could see. Seemed like a fail proof plan, until my worst nightmare came true. I pushed the button to start the secret taping and as I do, all we hear is a loud, "bee beep choo". (That's the best way I can describe the sound my phone made) It may as well been a bomb in a room so silent you could hear a pin drop. However, I'm not sure what was louder, my phone beeping, or the sound of the wind as the heads in front of us whipped around in unison to see who the violator was. Seconds stretched into eternity as I felt the heat rush to my head. I quickly threw my phone onto the seat next to my leg and raised both hands to tuck my hair behind my ears as if to say, "it wasn't me" by showing I had nothing in my hands. (Like a child who'd just been caught in the cookie jar) Brad of course shows his support by pretending he doesn't know me and looking at me in the same way the others were. I felt horrible and was more than thankful to later find out Raeg was so focused on her performance that she didn't even hear the commotion we had made with my phone. The first part of the video is black (due to it being on the seat next to my leg) but you can still hear her play.

Give us any excuse to celebrate with ice cream and we're on it. We ended the evening at DQ.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Before they became camera shy

Singing Vacation Bible School songs while being silly. Age 5

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Track and Field

Ashlynn is contemplating joining the track team at her school. She isn't sure yet, but after finding out Jared is going to be on the track team at his school, they decided to practice their jumps and sprints.

Raegan is just having fun.. she's not really interested in joining the track team.

Jared showing them how it's done

Look at the height on that jump. She got a cramp 1/2 way through their run around the lake, which dampened her enthusiasm a little, but I think she's got definite potential if she chooses to join and stick with it.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Our Little Cuties - When They Were Toddlers


If you're wondering what we were thinking letting our babies climb on those rocks.. I'm wondering the same thing. ha. I think it looks more dangerous in the video than it actually was. (at least that's what I'm telling myself!) They felt such a sense of accomplishment.

My favorite clip is at the end when Ash looks over, sees Raegan coming into the kitchen, and says with a smile, "There's my Raegan". :)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Pet Store with Logan

Brad came home early today, so he was able to go with Logan and me to mail some packages I needed to get out. After that we took Logan to a nearby pet store to see the birds and bunnies. He loved all the colorful parrots!

Here he was having a little conversation with the entire group.

Trying to touch the African Gray.. This was after he leaned in to give him a kiss. It was sooo cute.

Logan loved his trip to the pet store. :)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

'ASH' Wednesday

Imagine her excitement after discovering there's an entire day on the calendar devoted to her! :)

She chose to celebrate her special day enjoying her favorite food group... ice cream. :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Love is in the Air :)

Valentine's Day is always a fun, big ta do day in our house. (How can you not be happy celebrating the love in your life? I try to make it a special day) This was a particularly special Valentine's Day because, it fell on a Sunday, which meant Brad was home to spend the entire day with us. He surprised his little valentines (and his not so little valentine..ha) first thing in the morning with beautiful bouquets of flowers and hearts filled with Godiva and Ghirardelli chocolates! (I tell ya, it's going to take a special man to fill daddy's shoes when the girls get older. He's set the bar pretty high)

Our traditional chocolate chip heart pancake breakfast..

We couldn't forget about Riley.. the true love of Brad's life. ha. She enjoyed a Valentine breakfast too.

Raegan's delicate bellflowers

Ashlynn's pretty tulips

My favorite, sweet smelling lilies. I love a house filled with fresh cut flowers.
In the afternoon we emptied out the craft closet and made valentines for each other. That was fun.

Later that evening we took Raeg & Ash to a sleep-over at their girlfriend Kyrsta's house. That gave Brad and I the evening alone. He planned an awesome candlelight dinner for the two of us.. it was thoughtful and perfect.

table set for two :)

On the menu:
Delicious baked crab cake
steamed broccoli
Baked red potato
melt in your mouth salmon

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

More Park Pictures

The other day Reag and I took Logan for a walk to the park. Ash and her friend Katie met us down there. They had a blast being silly.

Trying to hang on

Logan having fun on the swing.

Such a cutie pie

love this picture of Ash. She's adorable. :)

Katie riding Clifford like he's a wild bull. ha

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ash at the Park

There's a new park about 15 minutes from our house that recently opened. It's filled with some pretty unique equipment. Ash has been wanting to check it out and the other day we got the opportunity.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Slug Bug Queen - Even In Our Dreams

Ash remains undefeated when it comes to spotting slug bugs. Raeg and I swear she has built in slug bug radar that we lack. She even finds em in the dark. (you can tell a slug bug by the shape of their headlights, ya know. ha) It's funny because the car game that once annoyed me, now has me missing Ash when I see a VW and she's not there to slug. For Ash, this new found game she picked up while riding to school with our neighbors, is a sport.
The other night on the way home from the book store, Ash was slugging away. She was one up on me by the time we arrived home. The next morning I went into their room to make sure they were awake for school and ended up crawling into bed with Ash. Her fluffy comforter looked so inviting and technically we had another five minutes to sleep. The three of us closed our eyes and I thought it would be clever to 'dream' seeing a slug bug. (which would catch me up to ash) Raeg laughed after I slugged ash and said, "you're on the road in your dream.. funny". (we were still 1/2 asleep) Ash, with her eyes closed, quickly began slugging me numerous times while calling out colors. I said, "wait a minute. You can't be seeing that many at one time." .. to which she responded, "ummm hmmm. I'm at a slug bug car show". he he.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Nighttime Medicine

There are pros and cons to staying up past our bedtime on a school night..

Pro: Everything (and I mean everything) is extremely funny and I suddenly become the world's greatest comedian without effort.

Con: Having to respond to the 6:40 am alarm the next morning relentlessly ringing in our ears.