Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Early Christmas :)

Hard as I try, it's nearly IMPOSSIBLE for me to wait till Christmas to give gifts. I justify by telling myself the earlier they receive the gift, the more time they have to enjoy it! :) Plus, it stretches Christmas from only one day, into several!
Top of their list this year were these boots! Aren't they stylish? There's a good reason I gave them this gift early. (here comes the justification part.. hehe) The past two weeks have been exceptionally cold down here. (The girls flip flops and sandals just weren't keeping their cute little toes warm) We only have about 31/2 months tops, from mid November to late February, of chilly weather. So, giving them early allows Ash & Raeg to get as much use out of their boots as they can. The good news; they will stretch. Since we went with size 7, they should be able to wear them for many chilly winters to come!