Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Mitch Tyson -VS- Percy Ali

Well, the moment we've feared since bringing Percy into our home has finally arrived. This morning Mitch and Percy went at it full force. Poor Raegan got her arm caught in the crossfire while trying to break them apart. Percy's front paw is now swollen with what looks like a hole from Mitch's tooth. It bled quite a bit. Mitch also took a hit to his back paw, but his injuries aren't as severe as Percy's. I think this round goes to Mitch. Both were treated with antiseptic and bandages and they're currently serving time in separate rooms. ha.
Can't we all just get along? I think (besides the fact they're both males) the age difference might have something to do with it. Percy pounces towards Mitch in an effort to play and Mitch is just a grumpy ol fart who doesn't want any part of it. I wonder if the dog whisperer communicates with cats too? because we need an intervention. ha

On a yummy note, we had a delicious bowl of homemade Turkey noodle soup with warm bread fresh from our bread machine. Mmmmm Mmmmm Good. :) Perfect comfort food on a chilly day like today!