Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Big day for Ash

Braces!! with cool teal rubber coverings :o)
The torture chair with her stylish bib and protective goggles.. ready to begin.
Ortho assistant preparing Ashlynn's teeth for braces
Orthodontist. The entire process took about 1 1/2 hrs. Ashlynn was a little trooper.
Checking out the new smile in the mirror at the office

Now to learn how to eat again : /

Thursday, December 23, 2010

To Nana:

Thank you for the Christmas Goodies! I'm guarding my gift as usual and can't wait to open it Christmas morning. I even tried sneaking it to my corner last night, but they caught me!
Love & Licks,

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Early Christmas :)

Hard as I try, it's nearly IMPOSSIBLE for me to wait till Christmas to give gifts. I justify by telling myself the earlier they receive the gift, the more time they have to enjoy it! :) Plus, it stretches Christmas from only one day, into several!
Top of their list this year were these boots! Aren't they stylish? There's a good reason I gave them this gift early. (here comes the justification part.. hehe) The past two weeks have been exceptionally cold down here. (The girls flip flops and sandals just weren't keeping their cute little toes warm) We only have about 31/2 months tops, from mid November to late February, of chilly weather. So, giving them early allows Ash & Raeg to get as much use out of their boots as they can. The good news; they will stretch. Since we went with size 7, they should be able to wear them for many chilly winters to come!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Mitch Tyson -VS- Percy Ali

Well, the moment we've feared since bringing Percy into our home has finally arrived. This morning Mitch and Percy went at it full force. Poor Raegan got her arm caught in the crossfire while trying to break them apart. Percy's front paw is now swollen with what looks like a hole from Mitch's tooth. It bled quite a bit. Mitch also took a hit to his back paw, but his injuries aren't as severe as Percy's. I think this round goes to Mitch. Both were treated with antiseptic and bandages and they're currently serving time in separate rooms. ha.
Can't we all just get along? I think (besides the fact they're both males) the age difference might have something to do with it. Percy pounces towards Mitch in an effort to play and Mitch is just a grumpy ol fart who doesn't want any part of it. I wonder if the dog whisperer communicates with cats too? because we need an intervention. ha

On a yummy note, we had a delicious bowl of homemade Turkey noodle soup with warm bread fresh from our bread machine. Mmmmm Mmmmm Good. :) Perfect comfort food on a chilly day like today!

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Three Amigos

Raeg, bestfriend Katie, and Ash at the theater waiting for Megamind in 3D to begin.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Feeding the Sandhill Cranes

We came across these beautiful/hungry cranes while walking the other day. They were trying to crack acorns on the sidewalk. Once they found we could crack the nuts for them twice as fast, they were all over it! ha
look at their size!
eye to eye. ha. Having them this close to us was pretty unusual. Normally Sandhills are pretty timid.

Brad was a little leery with the hand feedings since he's seen them spear lizards with that beak. ha
One of Florida's beautiful creatures!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Art Show Awards Ceremony

Raeg with her displayed drawing. Over 800 pieces of artwork were submitted and Raeg came in 3rd in the 6 - 8th grade category! Way to go!
waiting for the ceremony, eating cookies :)
receiving her award
Mr Walker, the girls art teacher

The Family photo that a passerby generously offered to take
Raeg with her drawing (it will be on display at the airport for a year)
Raeg with my MUCH older twin sister. hehe
Ash helping celebrate at... where else? Dairy Queen!
Raeg being a cheeze :)
hmmm... I wonder where she gets it from? ha

a couple of cutie pies

What a great night!