Saturday, January 16, 2010

Today we're...

..enjoying sleeping in on a gray Saturday.

..waiting for morning coffee and Raegan's delicious pancake breakfast.

..taking Ashlynn to drama practice. (her performance is in two weeks!)

..getting birthday presents for Raeg and Ashlynn's friend Katie.

..taking the girls to Katie's for a birthday sleep-over! which means...

..spending the evening alone, just the two of us, doing whatever. Going out to eat, watching the sunset sink into the gulf, midnight naked wii bowling tournament. (just kidding.. Raeg said, "that's not even funny, it's just wrong and embarrassing". I think I just traumatized my daughter. lol), Ok, Barnes & Noble for coffee and true crime books maybe? Who knows.. with the night to ourselves, our options are limitless.

Whatever you have planned, enjoy your today!

Raeg's Mickey Mouse Pancake