Saturday, January 23, 2010

Playing at the Park

The other day we took Logan to the park. After a few gray cloudy days, it was fun to have our Florida sunshine back.

Logan had fun swinging, sliding with Ash, and riding Clifford with Raeg. The girls are convinced Logan is going to love roller coasters when he gets older because he seems to have no fear... the higher he goes the bigger the smile.

Ash talked Raeg into the spider. They used to swing like this a lot when they were little and Ash wanted to relive the moment. ha. I think the dialogue this time went something like this:
Ash: "Raeg, let me get on"
Raeg: "Ash, we're too big.. you'll kill me"
Ash: "No I won't" (as she sticks her left leg in over Raeg's kicking her side)
Raeg: (reluctantly begins to swing) "grrrr. Ash, ouch!"
Ash: (giggling) "weeeeeeeeeeeeeee.."
Raeg: (laughing with Ash) "Ash you're pushing my butt out of the swing"
Ash: "This is fun"
Raeg: (no longer laughing) "Fun for you.. you're on top. My legs hurt..get off"

Not quite how they remember it. Being little has it's perks.. like the ability to do the spider pain free.

On our walk home we came upon a 'turtle town meeting'. lol. There were over 20 turtles and 1 lonely gator resting on the bank. We had never seen that many turtles together at one time. Maybe they figure there's safety in numbers. ha