Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How'd we get lucky enough ...

.. to be the parents of two of the best girls on earth? :o) (not biased or anything cuz they're mine.. ha) Warning: Proud parent post ahead.. hehe

Yesterday Raeg came home from school with an outstanding student award, $25 itunes gift card, and a magnet to put on our car. Each month a student is chosen to be recognized based on performance and it's for something different every month. November was patriotism, October was behavior, and so on.. Raeg was selected to receive the December award for kindness; showing consistent consideration and kindness to those around her. She said when her name was called during the morning announcements, she was in shock... totally unexpected surprise. We are so proud of her! That's like receiving an A in character and to us, that's the most important A of all. :) (proud mama magnet below.. ha!)
Ashlynn recently took a test at school to test her reading level and she came out at a 10th grade, 9 month level! (or a little higher, I can't remember exactly) Way above average for her grade. Again, we're so proud of her. She really enjoys reading when she finds a good series that keeps her interest. The girls school requires them to keep a reading log each week that has to be turned in on Friday with at least 3hrs of reading recorded. Me likes this. :oP .. keeps them reading.

Raeg and Ash have really given their all (and then some) this first year in public school and we're proud of their achievements and how they're shining and handling themselves through the different challenges of a new environment.
Way to go girls! :o)