Friday, November 5, 2010

School Community Project

Ashlynn's language class broke into small groups and had to create a display representing their middle school. Brad brought the projector home and here is the collage of symbols she created:

Didn't she do a fantastic job! Their teacher, Mr Troop, was so impressed he asked to keep the project to be placed on display in the glass case in the front hallway of the school. Here is the email I received:

Mrs. Turner,

Yesterday Ashlynn and her group presented their community UPA, and I was absolutely amazed by Ashlynn's incredible artistic talent and the beautiful way she captured Nolan in her artwork. She has kindly agreed to allow us to keep the work, and I will be presenting it to Mrs. High so we may put it in a place of honor where visitors to our campus may view it.

I also took a picture of it and added it to the home page of my website. :>)

Thank you for sharing your daughter and her talents with us.

She does you proud!

Best regards,

Mr. Troop