Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Good Sign

This evening our home was filled with the beautiful sound of Raeg practicing Allegro in A Major and Come Back to Sorrento. She was a little disappointed after her first practice with Christine because she was so nervous during the lesson, she didn't feel she played very well. But.. tonight at home, she played as if she had never stopped. I think it's just going to take a little time for Raeg to become comfortable with a new teacher.. they have to get to know each other. We're not making any long term commitments yet. Raeg has decided to take it one month at a time.. I suggested she go a few weeks and see how it goes. A good piano teacher is so hard to find. (sigh)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

7th Grade Portraits

School pictures usually turn out about as nice as a county jail mug shot. But, we were pleasantly surprised when Raeg and Ash brought these home. My only complaint is that they look so grown up! Where did my babies go?

Progress Reports

Unfortunately you can't see this very well, but it's a scanned copy of the girls first progress reports this year! Both Ash & Raeg are maintaining an 'A' average and trying hard to do their best. We're so proud of them.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Announcement, Announcement, Annoooouuunnnnccement!

Raegan started playing the piano at the young age of 7. She truly enjoyed playing and would practice her little pieces of Old McDonald and Mary Had a Little Lamb until she felt confident she could play them perfectly for her teacher, Mrs Weaver. We were so grateful to have found such a loving piano instructor for Raegan. They worked well together for almost 4 years until Raegan reached level 5 and Mrs Weaver could no longer teach her. We then found a young man at church who had gone to school to study music and played the piano beautifully. Unfortunately, he turned out to be better at playing than he was teaching. The experience with her second instructor seemed to have stolen Raegan's enthusiasm for playing. She wanted to take a break after that. Weeks turned into months, and eventually a year had passed with Raegan not interested in lessons and her piano here at home collecting dust. I was torn as to what I should do because I've heard testimonies of people hating forced music lessons as a child, then growing to thank their parents for not letting them quit.
Anyway, Raeg and I were talking the other night and.. she has decided to start lessons again. I'd be lying if I didn't tell you I've waited for this day, and have even pushed a little for it, ha! But ultimately, I want it to be her decision. We found a seemingly nice and talented female teacher who lives only minutes from us. Raegan's first lesson is scheduled for next Tuesday at 4:45. I have no idea how this will turn out, but I'm hoping this teacher can help rekindle the love for piano Raegan once had. Raegan is so talented musically, I would love to see that talent nurtured so it can grow.
I said all that to say, "Yay! Raegan is going to give lessons another try!" :)