Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Pet Store Fun

The other day I had to run some errands with the girls. One of our stops happened to be in close proximity to an awesomely fun pet store that encourages interaction with the animals. Logan spotted it and asked if we could go, so we couldn't leave without a visit. :) The girls had fun introducing Logan to all the different animals.

The playful ferret (well, kind of.. he wasn't super happy about us waking him up from his nap, but Logan was easy on him)

Feeling the soft, furry bunny...

..quickly turned into bunny love for Logan (after petting the cute little bunny Logan spontaneously leaned in for a hug... so sweet)
Then there were the clown fish swimming amongst the coral. Can't say for sure, but I think this might have been Logan's favorite part.

This is my favorite picture of Logan and Raeg.. It was taken seconds before Logan tried reaching his hand in to spash around with the fish. ha.