Thursday, March 25, 2010

Fundraiser at Friendly's Restaurant

Ash & Raeg are going on a missionary training trip next month with their school and are busy attending fundraisers to earn money for the trip. Friendly's restaurant let their 6th grade class spend the evening working alongside the waitresses; taking orders, serving food, and busing tables.

Ashlynn.. busy taking care of customers. She had an absolute blast playing waitress and thought it was so cool that they were allowed to go into the kitchen area where only employees can go. :) We told her not to get any ideas. She's got to go to college.

Here they're helping a customer celebrate their birthday.

Raeg diligently working.. Her waiter told us to please bring her back in 5 years because he's never seen anyone work so hard. She wouldn't take a break until her tables were cleared.

Mr May (their kind-hearted teacher)

It was a fun night and their class raised $300.00 towards the trip! Not bad for 3hrs worth of work.