Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Joy

Christmas Eve pj's

Breakfast - Gooey Bubble Bread

Raeg opening gifts from Ash...

heart necklaces that fit together

and a cute brown and pink hoodie t-shirt

Ash opened a pretty journal book and hair bands from Raeg

comfy,fuzzy socks

opening their ipods (they love them)

The highlight... opening the wii! happy moment

They squealed with excitement
Double excitement opening mariokart!

A toy for dad... sharp shooter (you'll shoot your eye out)

Pediatrician Barbie

Look at that smile. Riley finally got to open her gift of treats. :) She also got a new wooly man toy.

Mitch loved his chewy treats
The girls raced each other..
Brad boxed
We had ham, green beans, cheesy potato casserole, and..
..some sweet/sour red cabbage given to us by our neighbor. As you can see Raeg was thrilled to try that. ha!
It was a good day.

Thank you so much for helping to make the girls Christmas exciting and memorable.