Monday, February 14, 2011

One of my favorite days! :D

We started the morning with our traditional heart shaped chocolate chip pancake breakfast
The aftermath.. it didn't take long to consume. Brad leaves for work early so he had to miss breakfast but, I left a cinnamon roll for him next to a pot of hot coffee.
A goofy picture.. Me and my love a long time ago. Ahhhhhhh to be young again. (he's a good man and I'm a lucky lady!)

Cherish the loved ones in your life.. today, tomorrow, and always :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Giver Movie Project

Here are the movie posters the girls had to make for Language class. They've been reading The Giver and had to cast characters for the movie and make a poster. They used the adobe photo shop program that we have and then we printed them at Staples. Both received an A+! School projects sure have advanced (along with the technology and resources) since I was in school.
Raegan's Poster
