Monday, April 19, 2010

Saturday Breakfast

The girls made breakfast while Brad and I sipped our morning coffee out on the Lanai. I hope they know he's only joking when he says, "this is why we had children". ha.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Our 4 Headed Sunflower

Who knew squirrel fertilizer could have such multiplying affects. =)~

The boogie board bit back

Ash went swimming at her girlfriend's house and they were having a blast setting the boogie boards in the water and jumping in on them... gliding across the pool.

It was fun until Ash hit the boogie board hand first. It's hard to see it in these photos, but her hand swelled pretty badly and the first two fingers and knuckles are blue. The x-ray showed that she fractured the growth plate in her middle finger which will take approximately 4 weeks to heal. We were glad that was all. The Dr said it's best to continue a minimal amount of movement by taping her fingers rather than a cast, so the joints don't stiffen up. Injuring her right hand has been a challenge for her, but she's a trooper.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Playing at the Park with Logan

Logan LOVES to swing. Raeg had fun making Logan giggle while pushing him.

Here I think he's pretending to be a race car driver.. He really enjoys spinning the toy steering wheels as fast as he can.

Logan kept wanting to play on the slide. Raeg would take him down and he would immediately try to crawl back up the slide to come down again.


Raeg took a break from playing to paint her toenails. Check out Logan in the background. I think he's thinking something like, 'What cha doin? All this fun stuff for us to play on and you stop to paint your toenails?.. good grief...' . lol.

Aren't they pretty? :0)

Monday, April 12, 2010

When you give to nature..

Nature gives back to you. :)

We've been supplying our neighborhood squirrels with delicious sunflower seeds for a while now. A couple of weeks ago we noticed this beautiful sunflower growing up through our bushes for us to enjoy. (I think the squirrels planted it to show their gratitude. he he)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring Break ~ Ft Myers

Ash, Raeg, and I took a road trip to Ft Myers during their spring break. Mostly to see Britt Nicole in concert, but the plan was to use this time to complete our passport to purity packet. However, due to our lack of discipline we had a hard time staying on task and decided to finish the rest of the book and cd's at home. he he

After we settled into our hotel we went to historic downtown Ft Myers which was pretty cool. We got lunch and walked through the shops.

There was a pretty large dollar store where we picked up several colors of nail polish with super thin brushes for painting designs.

We found an antique shop which I think we had the most fun at. It was so neat to see all the old merchandise and wonder the history behind it. Sadly though, several of the items now considered antiques were from my childhood. eek.

We had a lot of fun listening to this old music player.

The girls were excited to find this little treasure... an old stereoscope! They remembered seeing one in the American Girl movie 'Samantha'... Her uncle sent her one as a gift. They wanted to buy it , but it was $90.00 and that didn't include the pictures for it.. those had to be purchased separately. Pretty cool though.

This player piano was a fun find too. As Ashlynn was looking around the antique shop at all the old clothing and trinkets she got an idea for a children's story about two girls who found themselves locked in an antique store over night and the many adventures they have going back in time through the items in the store. She spent the rest of our trip writing the beginning of her story in our spare time.

As far as Ash and Raeg are concerned, a perfect day is not complete without ice cream. :)

The first evening we relaxed at the hotel and spent some time at the pool. The water was a little cold, but not unbearably.

Adjusting to the water's temperature.

Ash ready to get some warm, dry clothes on.

I love when I'm able catch those sweet moments of laughter in a picture.

Raeg thought it might be kinda cool to braid her wet hair so it would be wavey for the concert we were going to the following day.

Turned out it was a little wavier than she wanted, so we spent the next morning straightening it with the hot iron. ha.

Dinner at Joe's before the concert.

They absolutely loved wearing these in public.. weren't embarrassed one bit. he he

And the moment we waited for... Britt Nicole, Natalie Grant, Phil Stacey concert. What a blast.

Phil Stacey (american idol season 6) opened the show

Britt came out and started with her song 'Welcome to the Show' which totally got the crowd fired up and jumping in the isles. I'm always grateful to find positive female role models. Britt Nicole is pretty awesome.

Waiting in line to have Britt sign her cd's