Monday, May 9, 2011

The Perfect Day

What a great day Brad and the girls gave me for Mother's day!
Beautiful flowers from Brad (and they smell fantastic!)
Ash made me this really cool art piece of clay and wire. She's so creative.. I love it!
Raeg designed a beautiful card that of course brought tears to my eyes
waiting for dinner (i love this picture)
Here's the five star chef! Brad worked his little tail to make quite the scrumptious meal. I'm a lucky lady
sweet corn on the cob
Garlic parmesan salmon cooked to perfection :) look at all that melted parm on top.. He knows what I like. haha (parmesan cheese is the way to my heart)
Ash digging in to the caesar salad
looks almost too good to eat
juicy watermelon!
Raeg surprised me with a few piano pieces! She knew that would make my day.. I love to hear her play.

clay heart ash also made.. I'm a lucky mom

We ended the day with a bike ride to Scoop Daddy's for some monster ice creams... couldn't think of a better way to end the day! ha

Thank you guys for spoiling me with such a memorable day! You shouldn't have.. (but I'm sure glad you did.. hehe)
I love you

Monday, March 28, 2011

Beauty and the Beast Musical

Ash and Raeg have spent the past several weeks involved in the production of their school's spring musical. Raeg worked on drawing and painting the scenery and Ash was a part of the cast and crew.
there were three performances.. one matinee and two evening shows
part of the backdrop Raeg worked on
Belle and Maurice
Mrs Potts and Chip were so cute
Ash was sick during auditions, but joined the crew to help out. She ended up filling in as a wolf for a girl who kept missing practices and eventually Mrs Branning asked her to take over the roll. She was pretty psyched about that.
Belle with the bookshelves Raeg helped paint
Mrs Branning being honored along with all the cast and crew

the three awesome wolves :)
the faces behind the masks (sarah, ash, and neemi)

The trees Raeg drew
of course our evening wouldn't be complete without celebrating at DQ :D ..ha!
great job Ash & Raeg... You worked hard to help make your school's spring musical awesome! I thought I was watching a high school musical.. it was that good!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

She Did It!

Raeg swallowed her first pill without having to crush it up with sugar. lol. All the pollen in the air has been driving her eyes and nose a little crazy the past couple of days and children's doses just aren't cutting it anymore. She usually gets through this season without any meds, but this year has been especially bothersome for her. (itchy eyes and all that jazz) Being able to keep her tongue down long enough to let the pill slip by was huge.

Boo to allergies..
Yay to finally being able to swallow pills!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Scooter Fun!

Soon as the girls got home from school today they threw down their backpacks, grabbed their scooters, and headed out the door! beautiful day for a ride..

Monday, March 21, 2011

Celebrating Spring (which felt more like mid August)

Day at the beach..
Raeg playing in the sand
my gorgeous man :D
digging the mote
This is pretty much how 13yr olds build sand castles. (by supervising..ha!)

Their favorite part was playing demolition before we left

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011


My babies aren't babies anymore!
opening gifts before dinner at Kumo's

They both received safety boxes with keys to store their journals and any other private and personal belongings. (teenagers like their
Thank you so much nana and papa!
Raeg was a pro with the chopsticks.. here she's eating her salad
Ash enjoying the delicious soup!
Our chef was a riot.. kept us laughing the entire time. He caught eggs with his hat and even landed one in his pocket. He also threw broccoli at Ash which was a surprise.. and gave everyone except ash large portions of fried rice. He put a tiny little bit on her plate and said, "u on a diet". (she liked him picking on her..ha)
You can't really see it, but here he's making this little guy pee on the fire to try and put it out... oh my. lol
chicken.. The food was delicious!
The fun part was watching Raeg and Ashlynn's faces turn red as they marched out beating a drum and singing happy birthday. :) Raeg couldn't stop laughing.

Yummy b-day dessert

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRLS! We hope this day made you feel as special as you are. You two are beyond amazing and your dad and I are so very proud of the young ladies you're becoming! We are lucky parents to have been blessed with the two of you!